Monday, February 9, 2015

With Friends Like That, Who Needs Vampires?: Meet Elliott, the Unimpressed Guardian

This is the a series of installments introducing the characters in The Clandestine Saga Book 1: Transformation, which is available for preorder here. Find it exclusively on Kindle February 28, 2015.

Is Elliott an enemy or a friend?  From the beginning, it's hard for Cadence to tell.
When we first meet Elliott, he seems like any other member of the Guardian Team; nice, helpful, funny.  However, the closer Aaron, the Guardian Leader, becomes to new Vampire Hunter Cadence, the more Elliott begins to act like a jerk. What gives? Is he secretly jealous? Or, perhaps he's seen one too many girlfriends become a distraction to the leader? At any rate, he makes his true feelings about Cadence pretty clear almost from the very beginning.
Elliott is an interesting character. He is the hypnotist of the group.  Whenever humans have seen too much, Elliott come in and cleans things up for the Guardian team.  In his previous life, Elliott was a used car salesman. Now that he is immortal, his ability to convince others that they have seen or heard whatever he wants to feed them is unbelievable.
In book one, we see Elliott's struggle with Cadence for Aaron's attention but it isn't until Book 2: Resurrection, that Elliott's roll becomes pivotal.  He is one to take note of as you read Transformation because, once you get to Resurrection, all bets are off.

Check back tomorrow to meet another one of Cadence's friends, the joker of the group, Jon.

Picture courtesy of Getty Images.

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