Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Every Good Book Needs Some Comic Relief: Meet Jon

This is the next installment in a series of posts introducing the characters in the upcoming The Clandestine Saga Book 1: Transformation. You can pre-order your copy here.

In every book, no matter how serious the topic, there has to be someone to crack the jokes and insert the punchlines. In Clandestine, that character is often Jon. Despite the weighty information Cadence Findley has just received--that her friend has been killed by a Vampire, and she happens to be a Vampire Hunter--Jon finds a way to lighten the mood and bring some chuckles. If this book was a show, and that show was Friends, Jon would be the Chandler Bing
Jon tends to think everything is funny--except for maybe Vampires.

Jon is one of Cadence's friends from high school. He attends the Eidolon Festival with the rest of the gang and takes care of Sidney and Taylor when things get ugly. Though Jon does not play a pivotal role, he is there when he is needed. Perhaps we will find out more about Jon in the books to come.

Tomorrow, we meet Kash, Cadence's other friend and Drew's ex-boyfriend. How does it feel to stumble upon your ex-girlfriend dead in the woods with fang marks in her neck? Unfortunately, Kash knows the answer to that question.

Picture courtesy of Getty Images.

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