None of this has been easy for me, mind you. I am not one to pester the crap out of everyone most of the time. Sure, I'll ask my friends to support my kids' fundraisers at school. But I don't feel like I'm constantly shouting, "Buy my book!" so that it just becomes white noise. Maybe my friends would disagree, but I don't think so. I never know what to say when someone I have known for a while says, "I didn't know you were a writer." Well, yes, I suppose so.... But part of Kindle Scout is that darned Hot and Trending list (the one I haven't seen in over a week) and to get on there, you have to do a lot of self-promotion. Is it the be-all and end-all. No. Does it help? Likely. At the end of the day, if my writing isn't good, it won't matter how long I've been on there. And if the writing is good enough, it won't matter if the only person who nominated it was me. (And I did by the way....) |
Not only is hard to find the places to beg for nominations, it's hard to convert those nominations as well. Take this blog, for instance. I have had a huge amount of support from Books Go Social tweeting and retweeting about my blog the last two weeks. I've had over 1500 visits to my blot posts about Kindle Scout in that amount of time, but I've only had a few (like less than 10) visits from my blog to my Kindle Scout page. So that means the people who visit here either don't think my book is interesting enough to check out, they think it will take too long to nominate, or they intend to do it but end up getting distracted and not going back.
So listen, this is me putting myself out there asking you to go to my nomination page and just read the blurb and maybe part of the excerpt. If you think it's crap, then don't nominate it. But if you think the writing is good, the story is interesting, the cover is cool, or anything of merit can be found in Beneath the Inconstant Moon--even if it's not the type of book you usually read--please go ahead and nominate it. You don't have to have a Kindle to read the free copy (if I get published through Kindle Press you will get a free copy). You can read it on any smart device, including your computer. Obviously, you don't even have to read it (although I would hope you would, eventually, once you get through that huge stack of other books you are planning on reading first.) I honestly think this book has something to offer to the literary world and that a lot of people will like it. A lot of people have read it and do like it. It deserves a chance to be published, but without enough eyes on it, it may never even get a second look by Kindle Press. So, please, check it out and then make your decision. You can find it here.
And if you've read this far, thank you for your support! I really can't wait until this campaign is over so I can crawl back into my little writer hidey hole. (I'm sure you all agree.)