Friday, October 16, 2015

NaNoWriMo is Coming!

It may sound like a setting in a fantasy novel, but NaNoWriMo actually stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it's write right around the corner. November 1 is the official launch, but that's still two weeks away, and I'm ready to write now!
So, I think I might start a little early. Unlike the 3 Day Novel Writing Contest, you can start your novel before November 1 so long as all of the words you count towards your total are written in November.  And since my goal of 50,000 words would be a very short work for me, I am confident in thinking that I could start ahead of time and still have enough steam in my story to finish out my goal.
I've been contemplating my writing topic for several months now, and I've decided to write a fantasy Christmas story.  I would love to get it out in time for this Christmas season, which means I need to be really nice to my editor, cover designer, and husband (cause he's gotta give me time to write!)
Here's the synopsis:
Serendipity Frizzlestitch lives alone in a small cottage behind the estate house she was born in. She keeps to herself almost exclusively. Her father died when she was a small child, and her mother and older sisters never quite understood Serendipity. One fateful day, a horrible accident leaves Serendipity all alone and doubting her worthiness to ever love or be loved again. She moves to the cottage to work on her father's passion--doll making.
Then one day, a letter arrives via the fireplace.  Serendipity's inability to decipher the words is a valid excuse to dismiss it entirely until a resounding knock on the door leaves her facing the first visitor (outside of her nursemaids) she has had in almost a decade.  She stands face to face with the handsome--and unusual--Cornelius Cane, Saint Nicholas's chief recruiter, who has come to whisk her away to the North Pole where she will be employed by the great toy maker to oversee the mass production of her dolls for all of the children in the world.
But Serendipity doesn't want to go, which leaves Corey facing the possibility of failing for the first time ever--something he cannot fathom.
He must find a way to get Serendipity to the North Pole....
And when he does, he must make her stay or else he may disappoint the jolliest soul of all.
Serendipity wants to make her dolls alone--not for Santa. (Pic courtesy of Defiant Art)
There are, of course, lots of twists and turns and mysteries to unravel, and potentially a love connection as well.
I've never written anything like this before. It will be my first holiday themed fantasy--full of whimsy and the unusual.
What do you think? I can't wait to meet my cast of characters and see what they have in store. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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